The Libyan Expertise Forum for Peace and Development was formed to ensure that Libyans have a strong voice in determining their future. The LEFPD brings together expertise from different fields, and from different Libyan regions. The group aims to contribute to the rebuilding of the Libyan state through a bottom-up model that emphasises decentralisation and local governance as well as citizenship and human rights. It aims to achieve its goals through an inclusive, knowledge-based approach that prioritises democratic dialogue, wide participation, and positive communication.
The group has a vision of a new peaceful and prosperous Libya built on equal citizenship, broad inclusivity, wide participation, and effective institutions. This requires fostering solidarity, nurturing community participation, and decentralising power to and strengthening the organs of local governance. In addition, the group seeks to promote the following co-existence, tolerance, respect for diversity and the rejection of exclusion, hatred and violence; social peace and national reconciliation; and better governance, transparency and accountability.
تم تشكيل منتدى الخبرات الليبية للسلام والتنمية لضمان أن يكون لليبيين صوت قوي في تحديد مستقبلهم. يضم المنتدى خبرات من مختلف المجالات ومن مختلف المناطق الليبية. تهدف المجموعة إلى المساهمة في إعادة بناء الدولة الليبية من خلال مقاربة قاعدية تؤكد على اللامركزية والحكم المحلي بالإضافة إلى المواطنة وحقوق الإنسان. وتهدف المجموعة إلى تحقيق أهدافها من خلال مقاربة تفاعلية قاعدية ومعرفية، تراعي الحوار الديمقراطي والمشاركة الواسعة والتواصل
لدى المجموعة رؤية لليبيا جديدة مسالمة مبنية على أساس المواطنة المتساوية والشمولية والمشاركة الواسعة والمؤسسات الفعالة. وهذا يتطلب تعزيز المصالحة الوطنية ودعم السلم الاجتماعي، ودعم اللامركزية وتقوية أجهزة الحكم المحلي. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تسعى المجموعة إلى تعزيز قيم المواطنة والتعايش والتسامح واحترام التنوع والتعدد ونبذ الإقصاء والكراهية والتطرف والعنف، وتعزيز قيم الحكم والشفافية والمساءلة
About the LEFPD
Libyans must play the paramount role in formulating any arrangement to settle the existing disputes in the country; the will of Libyan political leaders is crucial.
Compromise, reconciliation, and treating each other with respect are the pillars and essence of patriotism and nationalism in their modern form and the basis of forging a peaceful society that respects diversity and provides equal justice and equal opportunity for everyone.
The collective memory of how the country’s founding fathers compromised and merged their interests on behalf of the collective and what symbols they used to build unity, integrate various groups, and create a sense of openness to the world as well as a recognition that most Libyans share a broad consensus can help the country find its way forward now.
Libya needs a hybrid administrative system that combines decentralisation and “multi-polar” centralisation. A more bottom-up and horizontal structure than currently exists is essential to achieving this goal.
Mechanisms to fairly arbitrate disagreements and strengthen the rule of law are essential to managing conflict and ensuring peaceful and equitable coexistence.
Libya needs both a social covenant and social contract. The first can unite its various groups behind a common understanding of who they are and how they want to live together while the second can provide for equal citizenship, a clear understanding of duties, and government accountability.
Hybrid legal mechanisms that combine Western and Libyan practice to settle disputes are essential to maintain harmony and leverage the best available institutions available to the country.
Developing a new socioeconomic model that empowers private social forces— most notably families, communities, and companies—and transfers power and financial resources away from the state is essential to reforming Libya’s political economy.
A strong emphasis on catalysing economic growth and prosperity through an open and diverse economy and the ending of the rentier system is the best way to ensure peace and wellbeing in the country. There is ample scope to raise living standards given the country’s human, geographical, and social assets.